I rebranded! 😊 ✨ 🎉 My logo isn't a fuzzy photo of a sketchy drawing any more! . 😂
I'm a big believer in 'minimum viable products' & 'ship before you're ready', but sometimes it feels good to add a bit of spit & polish. 🧽 🧼 ✨
I drew over my scrappy logo in Procreate (a $10 digital drawing app for iPad Pro).
The Apple pencil shines when used with this app. It's literally the drawing experience I dreamed of as a kid. I remember I wanted my hand-drawn Christmas cards to be more polished, screen-printy & graphic-arts-looking than is possible with crayons & felt-tips. I wanted Christmassy night skies from solid blacks at the touch of a button!
God bless Steve Jobs & his talented minions (& descendants) for making my dreams come true. 😆
Seriously, it's a joy to use these tools. I hope some day I can contribute something to the world one fraction as useful & beautiful as people in technology are forging today. My gut says time spent in flow state is key to each of us finding our contribution. 🔑 The more we're "in the zone", the faster we learn, & the richer our creative work becomes. 📈
So damnit, I'm doubling down on flow practice! 🌊✨ It's worth every bit of effort.
The deeper I go in flow, the more discoveries I make, the more I surprise myself with connections. It's like following yourself down a rabbit hole into your own mind 🕳 🐇 & operating right at the portal to the unconscious, where the store of information is vaster.
I'm just some dorky content creator, fiddling about with blog posts & cartoons. But honestly, when I spend time in flow, I feel connected to something larger than myself. Embarrassing, but true. 😳 I feel connected to The Human Project somehow, & hungry to make a contribution. It gives me a feeling like I'm following a magic thread & it's gonna take me somewhere, if I trust & persevere.
I haven't felt that in a while. It's a good feeling. 😊
Anyway, that's kinda what this new logo's about too. It's a kid in flow, writing & drawing, with neon grids & stars to show that experience of awe & connection.
The neon pink & green are my new brand colours. (Millennial '80s baby, here! Everything good should look like Bladerunner or a roller-skate from 1983 😂).
And going forward, I promise to ship more cartoons & writing (maybe some videos) on flow. 🌊 ✨
It's def not flying cars. It's not Apple pencils, or nano-tech that draws carbon from the atmosphere, or whatnot. But I'm hoping if I persevere, maybe 🤞 I can contribute something useful in the future. 🖖
Also. Open to feedback on the neon. 😆 Too much?? 🤷♀️
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