House Manual

Here’s some info about the flat’s tech & media. 🙂

— NETFLIX brings up our family account: scroll down to the red smiley profile marked Airbnb Guest & watch for free
— HOME (house icon) brings up other apps (Prime, iPlayer, YouTube etc.)
— GUIDE brings up the terrestrial TV guide (use the ring-shaped button to scroll up & down to select channels)

DVD player:
— With the TV remote go to HOME, then SETTINGS (cog icon on the right), then INPUTS.
— Select HDMI3
— Use the DVD remote by the TV (or the buttons on the DVD player) to play, pause etc.

— Turn on power via switch on tiled wall above machine (red light goes on)
— Turn dial to select cycle
— Press play

— Thermostat’s on the coffee table (white, plastic clock)
— MAN turns on the heat (‘manual’)
— OFF turns off the heat
— + & – then OK turns heat up & down (after you turn it on 1st)
— Water heats automatically


— Make sure the gas is switched on at the wall (big red switch)
— Press down your dial of choice & turn anticlockwise till flames light


— Turn the right-hand dial to M
— Turn the middle dial to your temperature of choice
— Turn the left-hand dial 2 clicks clockwise for fan-assisted oven

Fridge, freezer & cupboards:
— Help yourself to food & condiments

Locking the back door:
— The trick is to lift the handle upwards, all the way, before turning the key

Books & media:
— Read, watch & listen away
— If you get really into a book, DM me – maybe we can arrange a library situation! 🙂

Enjoy your time in Derry! Xx

PS. Internet key is on a removable plastic slide on the back of the Plusnet router (on the bookcase near the door)